The website belongs to "ONA" trademark owned by the company ONA PRODUCT SL, (CIF: B-96830732 registered in the mercantile registry of Valencia T.6341 S.8ª F.51 H.65855 I. 1st) is the owner of this Web page, operating under the trade name ONAEMOTION.COM.
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This website and its contents are protected by the laws of protection of International and International Intellectual Property and Spain, either as individual creations and / or as compilations. The user can not delete or modify in any way the information related to those rights included in the web. All rights reserved in favor of ONAEMOTION.COM or the owner thereof are reserved.
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The contents of all types included in the web, which are available to the general public, facilitate the enjoyment of the information, products and services provided or provided by ONAEMOTION.COM.
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ONAEMOTION.COM does not guarantee the suitability of the contents included in the web for particular purposes. Consequently, both the entry into this website and the use that can be made of the information and contents included in it, is made under the sole responsibility of the person who makes it, and ONAEMOTION.COM will not respond in any case for the eventual damages derived from the use of the information present on the web.
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C/ Ruzafa 5-4º-4ª ---- CP.46004 ---- Valencia (Spain) ---- tel. +34 961344361 ---- fax. +34 961341297 ---- ----